Third Party Risk Management

You are responsible for the data shared with third parties and privacy laws mandate it! With third party data loss and breach risk on the rise, proactively managing your vendors is critical to preventing losses and fines. Our Third Party Risk Management offering addresses risks and moves your privacy program towards compliance. A great starting point? Our Third Party Risk Management (TPRM) Foundational Jumpstart sets the foundation for your program – analyzing the data you share with third parties, ranking the risks and providing next steps to keep you compliant with current laws. Our pragmatic “Learn, See, Do” approach moves you towards action, quickly!

data privacy services
data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services
data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services data privacy services

The Process of Engaging with Privageo

Our Third Party Risk Management Foundational Jumpstart aligns your organization to
today’s vendor risk laws and landscape to reduce risk of fines and liabilities.


Legal education and operational training

Discovery into 4 key pillars of TPRM

Scorecard & actionable first steps


Fast-tracked completion of consumer data asset inventory

  • Enriched master database
  • Gap assessment
  • Cybersecurity risk report

Playbooks: Privacy Notices, Contract Management
Vendor risk questionnaire
Customized next steps according to Roadmap results


Ongoing program maintenance including compliance upkeep

Outsourced management of specific pieces or full privacy program

Overwhelmed by third parties?

data privacy services

What is our TPRM Jumpstart?

Privageo’s Third Party Risk Management Jumpstart is a highly, interactive week-long engagement that discovers, prioritizes, guides and builds foundational controls over your third-party data sharing risks. Your program will experience accelerated success & improved operational effectiveness from our guidance. From Discovery into the first steps of Build with your Top 5 vendors, you will be able to create the foundation for a successful TPRM privacy program.

How secure is your data? We have a variety of
cybersecurity offerings to meet any need.