Data Asset Inventory

A robust data asset inventory is fundamental to any privacy program. Whether you are just starting this process, have developed a basic inventory, or leveraged tools such as scans or interview-based, we typically start most privacy engagements here to ensure your foundation is strong.


Establishing a robust data asset inventory can be a difficult, long process, particularly when it comes to asking the right questions and probing where necessary. Our team’s expertise allows us to shorten a typically months long process to 1-4 weeks with a series of interviews performed within 2-4 days and final output delivered 1-3 weeks later. This detailed inventory is essential as it will become the foundation of your privacy program.

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Data Inventory

Most companies lack visibility or adequate knowledge about the personal data they collect and store, about both employees and consumers. Discovering every single place personal data is stored within a company’s systems (servers, emails, systems, etc.) requires a deep dive into each.

Consumer Data Inventory

Any time consumer information is gathered by a company either manually or electronically, that information must be accounted for and tracked throughout the company:

  • Servers
  • E-commerce systems
  • Email
  • The cloud

Employment Data Inventory

In CA it’s the law, but it’s good practice…. from the time a candidate applies for a job to the time their employees retire, companies collect a lot of personal data. Included as “employment data”

  • Applicants
  • Employees
  • Retirees
  • Beneficiaries

Full Data Inventory covers both Consumer and Employment Data.

The Process of Engaging with Privageo

Covering Discovery and Build, this package includes a Risk-Based Privacy Roadmap and
Consumer data asset inventory – tailored uniquely to your business, to accelerate and
enable full compliance.


Privacy Roadmap & Assessment

  • Legal education and guidance with optional attorney client privilege
  • Level set on current status of privacy journey
  • Client-tailored privacy risk-based assessment & roadmap
  • 4 “deep dive” sessions into select, priority areas of greatest concern


Fast-tracked completion of data asset inventories:

  • Consumer Data
  • Employment Data

Customized next steps:

  • Artificial Intelligence
  • Third Party Risk Management
  • Data Subject Access Requests


Ongoing program maintenance including compliance upkeep

Outsourced management of specific pieces or full privacy program

Ready to get your program started?

data privacy services

Where Should We Start?

The Privacy Roadmap & Assessment + Full Data Inventory provides the best starting place to map out, prioritize and take actionable steps towards your privacy program – moving you from Discover into the first steps of Build! This will have your team aligned in privacy laws, feeling confident with a 30-60-90 day gameplan towards compliance and at ease knowing a firm foundation has been established with both consumer & employment data asset inventories complete.

How well do you know your data? Understand the
data you have with our Full Privacy Jumpstart.